Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Cards..

We have officially received our first Christmas card postmarked to the "Tennessee Wilsons". I'm pretty sure this means we have become famous and I expect the money to come rolling in at any moment...

Thanks Greg, Jen, Even & Caroline for the card! So, Greg Polly tells me your a pilot....well....wind 020 at 6 altimiter 2992 enter right downwind for landing runway 26, report base leg buddy boy.

As for the cards going would seem Polly is the better record keeper. OK SO I HAVE NO RECORDS AT ALL! I do plan to remedy this, but I'm going to need some addresses. So....if the following people would please send their address to my email I'll get straight to it!

God mom - I know you think your Dawn's but she has no room for you, what with all of her quilting. Besides, I'm allot taller than her anyways.

Favorite Cousin with the blogless Blog

Mike Wilson (brother) - Manager and dictator of the Champaign, Illinois Starbucks. Congrats on the new position by the way!

Mike Allen (half-brother)- Congrats on the Wedding! I wish you all the best! And when that's over, I wish..... for your new wife to scream at you when you use "all your time" to put pictures of you kids on the website...GOOD LUCK!

Matt (parents favorite)- NONE FOR YOU!

Best friend - Al Street. Glad you like the blog.

Also, the sister of mine who is creating small international incidents each time she leaves her new Korean home. It's cool though, Dawn we have nothing to worry about from the people in the North... I'm pretty sure they are only kidding about SAILING NUCLEAR BOMBS AT MY CHILDREN!!! So, yeah, no complaints for the folks in Tennessee...just keep pokin the bear..., yeah, I have lived in Ohio, Nebraska, Michigan, Indiana, California, Illinois, Arizona, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Germany, Italy, and now Tennessee...And I only have SEVEN MEASLY Christmas cards to send out!?!? Well, it must be something YOU people are doing!!


Aunt Joan said...

Um, excuse me, I didn't see "My Favorite Aunt, Godmother, on the blog?????????????
Merry Christmas Jeff, Plooy, Valerie, Jacob, & Jonathan

Aunt Joan said...

Excuse me "POLLY", I mispelled your name. Love you

Anonymous said...

Joan...I missed it too at first...but the "God mom" comment is really supposed to be godmom....that's you!!!
