Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Bean Bouncer

Here are some videos of the boys in the bean bouncer. Actually it is a video of Jacob in the bean bouncer. Johnathan, while nearabouts, was unable to attend on account of he is officially against ANYTHING his father asks him to do! If it means missing out on a little fun...SO BE IT!!!

1 comment:

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I love this!!!!! This is your best post so far...they have gotten so big. When did they start talking so good. It's funny how I feel about them Jeff...I only met them one time but the little boogers worm their way right into your heart and there they stay. They've gotten so big!!! Do more movies that was great. Now the challenge is on!! I have to figure out how to do my makes movies I am just directions challenged. Maybe Lauren can figure it out and tell me. heehee Love you guys!!!