Matthew Christopher Wilson
Matthew Christopher Wilson was born on Thursday morning, August 16th at 8:02am and he was pretty upset with the whole spectacle! He was 9.2 Lbs and 20.25 inches. He's healthy and has all of his fingers and toes. We are very blessed to have been given this new addition to our family. WELCOME MATTHEW!!!
here he is in his "fagettabout it" pose.
The twins have heard alot of stories about the little boy named Mathew that was going to be comming out of mommy's tummy. They are investigating..
Matt with loves mom's heartbeat. I think he misses his old home.
Jake was very proud that he got to hold him "all by his self"...Jon said the baby kicked him in the stomach. What with the 2 blankets around him forming a caccon and the fact that he is sleeping, I didn't believe him. Good effort though Jon
Matt with his big sister Valerie.
What a wonderful family. Can't wait to hold Matthew. Love to all. Grandma and Grandpa Wilson
He is so beautiful - I can't belive how big he is. Gavin can still fit into his newborn onesies.
How come there are no pics on Matthew and his Daddy and mommy?
You better post some.
Wish i was there.
Love you all
Well Jeff, I still see no pics of mommy and baby or daddy and baby. Don't tell me you are tired and haven't had time. You must see the new pics of Gavin and his girlfrind Grace. I had Brian's mom embroder two onesies. Grace's says CHUBBY and Gavin's says CHUBBY CHASER
The minute we put them next to eachother Grace rolled over and threw her leg on him. Janna thought this was a sign of
slut-e-ness to come:)
I can't believe how big the boys and Val look.
Where has the time gone.
Time might go by slower if you move back home! That is what i have heard anyway. I think it is probably true. What could keep you younger then weekly beatings from your favorite 5 ft tall blonde. Plus the kids can grow up together - i think it is a win win.
I mean we could take them to Santas Village together
(remember that)
matthew pukeing in the garbage can then out the car. Me stuck to you like glue and Mike and Tom acting like 2 dorks. (lets get real, you and me were the only cool ones in the whole place - some things never change)
well I miss you and hopefully we will stop playing phone tag.
Love You!
Hugs and kisses to everyone
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