Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Tennessee Coffee Table

In Tennessee, we have a different approach to furniature.

Here are some really bad pictures of Valerie and the boys. I KNOW there is a good setting for indoor pictures ... but I dont read manuals. In fact I would rather just take bad pictures than submit to reading that freakin thing. Drives Polly crazy...but I have my pride...

I was going to take some video of them playing, but by the time I got all set up with the camera...BEDLAM. Polly yelling at Valerie to stop pulling the sides....jake screaming for Jonathan to give him the soccer ball....Jonathan screaming at Jake...and me yelling at everyone to be happy for 5 FREAKIN SECONDS SO I CAN TAKE A MOVIE AND SHOW WHAT A GREAT FAMILY WE ARE!!! NOW SHUT UP AND HAVE FUN!


Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Hey, that thing is pretty neat! I love your house!! Is it great to not have to fix anything or do you miss it?? Thanks for reading the makes me feel closer to family when I hop on and see comments. My camera does take movies. My friend downstairs has the same one so I'm gonna ask her how to do it. I think it may be the Wilson in us that makes us not like to read manuals. :) I'm off to you bro!!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just watched where the hell is matt and loved it!!! How awesome is that!!!?? I've got to do something like that now. Let me think what I can has to be something funny and totally cool..cause well, you know! :) How do I send it to you??