October 31st, 2006. The Real Deal!
October 31st, 2006:
We've been to the Enchanted Maze of Corn. We've been to the Fantasy Maze of Hay. We have even gotten our picture taken at the "picture taking place" to make things official. We have practiced and our skills our pollished... Halloween baby! This is the real deal.
At this point the kids are pro's at the candy gig.
Even there concentration levels seem to be elevated. There is absolutely nothing that would sto........ooh, look a spider!.....
We decided to take them around our neighborhood this year. It was nice to have a neighborhood to go around in. This time last year....well for those of you who know...it wasn't exactly easy in the fixer upper....to say the least.
................................i know your in there lady.....i see the tv on. How bout you bring the ceramic bowl of candy over to the door and we call it an evening......
.....your going to have to do better than a WalMart scarecrow on bench to scare me away folks....Oh, and I saw the 2 for $5 pumpkins on display as well, so don't think I'm falling for the haunted pumpkin bit...I'm here for the tootsie roll.
...yes were elephants....no we don't like peanuts...and yes we have great memories ....so NO WISECRACKS!
Here we have Jacob. He's starting to get tired and his pumpkin is getting full. At this point were asking them if they want to go on...Jacob mumbled something like ...."i can go for day's...DAYS...im telling you..."
We'll have you know that we are NOT tired.....our dad just likes picking us up.
Tomorrow we are going to trade in the Maxima for a pickup truck. If for no other reason, but to get all the hey off the front porch. At the time of this posting is actually Nov 4th and the neighbors have somehow found the time to clean up all the halloween decorations from their yards.
We will NOT be the "Christmas lights in July" people....I can promise you that.
So, yeah we're getting a pickup.
You crack me up!!!
Now Mike just needs to get one of these things!
11/15/2006....what were you saying, husband, about taking down those halloween decorations???
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