Thursday, November 29, 2007

Veterans Memorial Park



Park First Tunnel

Park Bridge / Tank

We've been to this park before. So one day, Jon finds something that closely resembles a stick. "A TEESAKARE!!", he says. "Of course it is", we say. So, Jon carries this 'Teesakare' around for weeks... We have no idea where he got that word or how it has anything to do with sticks??

So, here I am making a huge mistake in thinking I know anything about Teesakare's.

So, there is a kid in Jon's pre-school class named Hutch. Sometimes we catch him chanting 'hutch, hutch, hutch, hutch'. Not while the boy is around..but just kind of humming it around the house when he is out of school. Then he starts saying things are 'hutch', which probably means 'cool'. I wouldn't know. I don't even know the difference between a stick and a Teesakare.


Park Leaf

Park Train

Park Train 2

Park Top of Train Bridge

Park Tunnel - near duck pond

Park ew gross

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving


Calen and Jake



Carston upper left. Calen bottom



Carston top, Calen left, Jon right.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Last day of nice weather

Pictures of Matt!

Pump It Up

You are supposed to go down feet first when you're on the slides at Pump It Up. Polly told me this when I arrived safely at the bottom with Jake. I told her I didn't see a sign and therefore she must be lying...then I watched the video. As you can see it is plainly posted behing Jacobs head therefore I must be retarded. But in my defense, retards take great action shots!

The Rock Wall.

Air Hockey Championship of the Universe!!


I remembered this video Polly took when we first moved into the new house. The boys were in a singing phase. They would both carry around any thing that remotely resembled a microphone and ....well here is Jake with a hair clip belting out his new single "What you say"...