Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Matthew Christopher Wilson

Matthew Christopher Wilson was born on Thursday morning, August 16th at 8:02am and he was pretty upset with the whole spectacle! He was 9.2 Lbs and 20.25 inches. He's healthy and has all of his fingers and toes. We are very blessed to have been given this new addition to our family. WELCOME MATTHEW!!!

here he is in his "fagettabout it" pose.

The twins have heard alot of stories about the little boy named Mathew that was going to be comming out of mommy's tummy. They are investigating..

Matt with loves mom's heartbeat. I think he misses his old home.

Big brother Jake.
Jake was very proud that he got to hold him "all by his self"...Jon said the baby kicked him in the stomach. What with the 2 blankets around him forming a caccon and the fact that he is sleeping, I didn't believe him. Good effort though Jon
Matt with his big sister Valerie.